Jordan- known for her chaotic love life has shockingly vowed never to have a quickie marraige again.
Despite declaring her love for Argentine lover Leonardo Penna and stating her "perfect" she is determined not to repeat the mistakes of her previous relationships.
Katie Price has had many passionate and fiery relationships- from cage fighter and cross dresser Alex Reid, to loyal hunk Peter Andre and the seemingly innocent Gareth Gates- she sure has had her fair share of men.
Alex Reid.
Her last romance was on the rebound, when she drunkenly hooked up with Alex Reid just eight weeks after her relationship with Peter.
It was a whirlwind romance, within weeks of meeting Reid had moved into Katie's home and they were already declaring their love for each other.
Followed by a quickie Vegas wedding, she now admits that she rushed into marriage too quickly and is determined to make the same mistake again. "You can never predict the future, but I guarantee there will not be another Vegas wedding".
Peter Andre.
Her perhaps most documented love affair was with the hunky, Peter Andre, whom she met on the reality show "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here!" We all watched as they fell in love in before our eyes and soon enough they soon moved in together and had two children, Junior and Princess Taamii.
Plus who could forget their big fat gypsy style wedding with Katie in a gigantic frothy dress and Pete wearing a white suit adorned with crystals- TOWIE eat your heart out.
However sadly it was not to be, when they called it quits after three and a half years in 2009.
Gareth Gates.

Another "quickie" (so to speak) was the notorious Gareth Gates saga- when Jordan allegedly popped the innocent pop star's cherry.
Jordan now looks back and regrets the fling, " it's terrible- I was still young, I was pregnant, I didn't have the dad around and just wanted to be loved. "
Dwight Yorke.

Dwight Yorke- the father of son Harvey was yet another turbulent relationship for the glamour girl. A rocky on/off relationship from the start, Jordan describes it as more like "drunken shags" than a "proper" relationship.
When son Harvey was found to be blind, the couple got briefly back together again, only to spilt for good with Jordan raising Harvey as a single mum.
Dane Bowers.
When Katie met Dane in a London nightclub back in 1998, she was sure she had found her soul mate in life. She claims, " within weeks of meeting him I was thinking at last I had found the man of my dreams, the man I wanted to marry".
However, jealously after two years eventually tore them apart. With Price suspecting her of cheating on him and Dane asking her to give up topless modelling- it was a romance not to last. Things turned nasty when Price fell pregnant with Bower's child and she had an abortion- resulting in her overdosing in painkillers.
So can a leopard change its spots? How will the next chaper of Jordan's love life turn out? This time, at least, she is determined not to fall into the same trap, stating that there will be no quickie weddings for her. Even if her new boyfriend is perfect, she knows no- one can be that perfect, she says of Leandro-
" He's perfect at the moment but no-ones that perfect. There must be a vice, but I haven't found it".
So will Jordan resist her quickie habit- or will she succumb to her hot hunk's Leandro's charms? Only time can tell...
My article for Heatworld posted on 20th April, 2011. Enjoy :)
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