Ohh how I have missed you blog.
The last few weeks have been a little crazy, to say the least, that I have totally neglected my blog. :(
But i've been having fun, and making money in the process soo it hasn't been tooo bad. Lots to fill in, so let's hear my "catch up" of the past few weeks!
First and foremost, I went on the dreaded camping trip, and yes it did rain as expected!
The first day it was alright, almost pleasurable, but sure as ever the rain seeped in on our idyllic camping trip, (and I hasten to add, my ONLY holiday away this summer).

rain, rain and you've guessed it...more rain!
But that did not stop us from having fun, oh no when there is your uni mates, and with the little help of alcohol the rain is soon forgotten.
We poodled out to country pubs, plenty of ciderr in Dorrset, yaay. And visited nearby Corfe Castle and seaside town Swanage, in the rain in our anoraks. To say we got slightly wet was an understatement!

The last night was fab, it piddled it down but we camped out in our tent, defiant as ever, with the help of Cider and plenty of Sweety snacks. Unfortuntately that only attracted Wasps, and my poor friend who already has a fear of the devilish creatures, got stung.
The following morning we found ourselves invaded with wasps in our bedroom compartment, so mee and my friend decided to camp out in the car and wait for the others to wake up so we could leave! Haha, so a pettiful end to the trip, but still I would go camping again as long as it involved my fab friends. :) (Being cooped up with family & rain could prove to be a disastrous mix!)
Back home we went, and I worked for a week at my old work, the wonderful Boots. As they were about to offer me a contract....
I got an internship, full- time in London. Of course, I said yes. (Those followers who read my previous post on internships have seen my dilemma of work vs. work experience). But, at the end of the day I have been skint for most of my student life, so what's the harm in a few more months unpaid? I think it would be a shock if I did have money!
Also, I cannot wait to go up to London, the place where everybody wants to be. Vibrant, bustling, alive...I can't wait! There is just something about London, that just screams excitement and opportunites. A place where you can meet anyone, and go everywhere. Perhaps its the idea of Freedom and possiblity, that excites me the most.

So, tomorrow I shall be trotting on the tubes in the London crowds, gazing at Oxford Street shops with lust, meeting new people, perhaps a tad bewildered and lost. Wish mee luck ;)
Ooh and also I must mention, I think I will do a post when I have got the time- a shout out to Warehouse Definitifies range- great for officewear, soft and comfortable, yet stylish. My wardrobe already holds host to many of these beauts.
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