Sooo next week I am going camping...should be interesting as, shock, horror I have never actually been camping. I may have spent the odd evening as a child messing around in a tent, but other than that...nada.
I'm really looking forward to it as i'm going with my uni mates, but jeez many questions are now popping into my head. What to take...have we got ground sheets, torches, a stove- if we decide to cook, but most of all What to wear?!
Self admittedly, I am a what you call "a girlie girl", meaning that I own no trainers, eek! No rain mac, o dear and no big furry fleeces to keep you warm at night, disaster! As it's summer, well supposedly, my wardrobe mainly consists of little sandals, dresses worn with leggings...clothing that may not survive the british weather outdoors.

Soo if the weather does take a turn for the worst, most likely, I will be in a confundle of my grandma's fleece, my mum's walking boots and my old jeans- at least I still have them! So don't expect any remotely fashionable/attractive pictures to come from this weekend! One saviour is my sister, the love that she is, is letting me borrow her superdry joggers to sleep in AND she is buying one of those utility jackets/parka's that are fashionable at the moment from River Island and allowing me borrow it for the week! Yesss, finally a fashionable and practical item! I may not end up looking like a misshapen eccentric blob.
If, and that's a big if, the weather does hold out, I'll jump in glee as I can then wear my fashionable denim shirt, leggings and little dresses. Maybe, even whip out the sunglasses...even get a tan...too far Emily, too far.
Also, what do you do when camping? My friend suggested we go for a run when we get there, I hope she was joking. Hopefully if the worst comes to the worst and it tips it down, we can recuperate spending most of our time in a warm, cosy pub sinking into plenty of cider and blacks...mmm. Don't get me wrong, I'll happily do a little exploring, I hear Corfe Castle is near by- but big hikes and lots of mud- just isn't my thing.

Seriously, some of my family relatives went camping this summer...not once...but twice. Why? It probably costs just as much, knowing our country, to go camping when you get a cheap last minute deal away to spain. Ahh..sun...sea...and sand. If I wasn't so skint, believe me I be on a flight far, far away before you could say...torchlight?
This is putting a very negative perspective on my upcoming mini- holiday away. I promise you I am looking forward to it, tipsy evenings and sing songs by the campfire with my favourite people. A chance to inhale the fresh air...to experience the "big outdoors"...
cripes what about the loo? Those bushes suddenly aren't looking too friendly...
Any nightmare experiences camping? Are you an outdoorsy type, or would prefer to be huddled up inside with a good book instead?
I'l be back next week to fill you in on how it went! Eek! X
I'l be back next week to fill you in on how it went! Eek! X
P.S...Perhaps this would be more my thing- the new luxurious Glamping. How pretty is that tent! To be honest though, I reckon this costs quite a bit, and then you might as well go abroad and stay in some nice solid apartments! X
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