Soo before I was contemplating the idea of finishing Uni forever, and most of all FREEDOM.
And as much like i thought its not so much freedom, but being poor, working your way out of debt, or at least trying to earn a few pennies, and most importantly wondering what you are going to do with yourself for the forseeable future!
Alot of people are jokily saying they are experiencing a premature "mid life crisis", for the first time you are out of full time education, and your life is in your hands. I could say I'm in the same boat as all the other graduee's, yet I don't feel scared. (perhaps I should?!) With no concrete plans as of yet, I'm just happy to be home after a hellish third year and enjoying the summer :)
(I didn't realise how much I missed home- cooked food, and am eating like a horse! )
July has been a busy month for mee. What with 21sts, a trip to London- Camden Town (Koko) which I loved, and declared "I love London why don't we all get a flat and live here?" to my bemused uni friend. Then the following a trip out in Guildford, just as pricey, not as exciting. And of course the biggun- GRADUATION. Yes, the day, well the week finally dawned. Graduation ball complete with chart topper Plan B, a slilent disco and all my fav pals looking grand in their frocks/suits- it was night to remember :) Then the actual day, a loong day starting at 6.30! eek and ending at 4pm...trooper! Alot of standing around in hot robes, mine felt like it was strangling me, but overall the feeling of elation is unique. Standing on the guildhall steps, throwing your hats into the air with parents proudly looking on- loved it. Advice for fellow graduates, try not to have a bad hair day as literally you will never have so many cameras pointing at you, from all angles, ever again. (Unless you become famous, or perhaps on your wedding day!)
I must admit, after all the photos have been taken, posted on facebook and stories regaled I did feel a sense of emptiness. Back to work I went sigh, and realised I must up the ante for my desired internship. If before, I wasn't ready I sure am now, and starting to want it more than ever. The sad reality that my life as a student of Portsmouth Uni is over, no more babylon, no more late night kens, most of all i will miss my uni friends who i feel i have just got closest to.
But hey, as they say "they think its all over..well it is now!" isn't the end of the world, it's the beginnging of a new chapter. If you think optismically the "world is your oyster" (I keep being told this) soo don't look back, but rather forward to your chosen careers and the next step, as although its scary the...
"future's bright". X
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